Gute Comics, 2013

Ursprünglich als Facebook-Notiz gepostet, 22. Dezember 2013 15:29 Uhr.

130703 01 Octopus Pie (Meredith Gran) (caution: continuous)
130710 02 His Face All Red (Emily Carroll)
130717 03 Nedroid Picture Diary (Anthony Clark)
130724 04 Sommer (Tim Gaedke)
130731 05 Darkness (Boulet)
130807 06 Buttersafe (Alex Culang & Raynato Castro)
130814 07 Garfield (Jim Davis)
130905 08 Hark! A Vagrant (Kate Beaton)
130911 09 How to live with introverts (Tara Bennett)
130917 10 A Day At The Park (Kostas Kiriakakis)
130923 11 Buttercup Festival (David Troupes)
130929 12 The Oatmeal (Matthew Inman)
131005 13 Katz & Goldt (Stephan Katz & Max Goldt)
131011 14 Sheldon the Tiny Dinosaur (Amber)
131017 15 Halley’s Comet (unbekannt)
131023 16 Doodle Time (Sarah Andersen)
131029 17 SMBC (Zach Weiner)
131103 18 Are you going to do something? (Luke Pearson)
131110 19 Sarah and the Seed (Ryan Andrews)
131116 20 Drawing Board (Connor Delaney)
131122 21 Doghouse Diaries (Will, Ray & Raf)
131128 22 Backpfeifengesicht (Ricardo Yoshio Okama Tokumoto)
131204 23 French Fries and Waffles (Lucie Bryon)
131210 24 Incidental Comics (Grant Snider)
131216 25 Calvin and Hobbes (Bill Watterson)

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